Elina Nova Photography

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Elina Nova Photography

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  • Foto van 1.050 €

Met Elina Nova Photography zijn jullie er zeker van dat de foto's van jullie bruiloft fantastisch zullen zijn! Ze let op details en laat de beelden jullie verhaal vertellen!

Voor meer informatie kunnen jullie contact opnemen met Elina Nova Photography.


1.050 €
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Meningen over Elina Nova Photography

9 reviews
9 reviews
Door Marlene
Ik heb gebruik gemaakt van deze diensten voor mijn bruiloft
When looking for a photographer, Elina was the perfect person for us. We didn't want someone who did the typical wedding shoot. Elina gave us what we wanted: atmosphere photos and photos that showed love and our guests! She made our guest feel comfortable around her and delivered great work!
Misbruik rapporteren
Door Veronica
Ik heb gebruik gemaakt van deze diensten voor mijn bruiloft
In June 2018, we booked Elina as our photographer for our wedding. Before our wedding we had a meeting with her and felt straight comfortable with her! Her talent for capturing moments are very beautiful and artistic. We are of course very happy with the end results! She made shots of us a couple, but did not forget to include some shots of our guests and actions shots. Furthermore, she has a great eye for detail and has brought it back to our pictures! She listens to your wishes and is very pleasant to work with. We recommend her to everyone!
Misbruik rapporteren
Door Marije
Ik heb gebruik gemaakt van deze diensten voor mijn bruiloft
We can't recommend Elina enough! She captured our wedding amazingly! She captured all our guests, details and even shot pictures of us as a couple. She really surprised us. During the wedding she blended in with our guests and we did not even notice her! We are really happy with the end result and thank her from the bottom of our hart!!
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